
  • This Is The Factory Where Legendary Guitar Tone Is Made

    Even if you’re not a guitar nerd, you know what Electro-Harmonix’s Big Muff guitar pedal sounds like. Since 1969 it has been the dirty fuzz coating for countless guitar solos and backing tracks on songs by everyone from Santana to Dinosaur Jr. Today, Electro-Harmonix hand-assembles and tests 75 different effects pedals in its New York…

  • Watch How Your iPad Really Gets Made

    A lot has been said and written about the conditions under which Foxconn workers construct the millions of iPads that are sold each quarter. But strip all that away, focus on the process itself, and what are you left with? Turns outs out a lot of painstaking detail and far more hand assembly than you…

  • The Foxconn Reality: ‘Better’ Is Still Bad

    Week after week we hear Foxconn horror stories, but Apple’s gadget metropolis is just one place inside an enormous country. Detractors say it’s inhumane; defenders say it’s way above the norm. But what does “bad” really mean inside a Chinese factory? Let’s put Foxconn in context.