
  • Colour-Changing Ink Ensures These Syringes Are Never Re-Used

    Colour-Changing Ink Ensures These Syringes Are Never Re-Used

    Vaccines can be a vital way to stop the spread of disease in some parts of the world. But in underdeveloped countries it turns out that the syringes used for vaccine injections are re-used again and again, which actually results in the spread of other dangerous conditions. To discourage this, Dr David Swann of Huddersfield…

  • Smart Shocking Shorts Stop Sleeptime Sores

    Smart Shocking Shorts Stop Sleeptime Sores

    Racy undewear can often be described as shocking, but rarely has that statement been literally true. Neuroscientists have designed a pair of pants that look a bit like cycling shorts and which send tiny electric currents to the wearer’s bottom. The undergarment has the potential to prevent pressure ulcers in people with mobility problems. This…