
  • With a New Gel, the Future of Male Birth Control Looks Bright

    With a New Gel, the Future of Male Birth Control Looks Bright

    The invention of birth control provided women with a degree of reproductive freedom that past generations never had, and today there is a great variety of options: pills, rings, gels, vaginal sponges, long-acting implants, surgery, and specialised condoms. Men, on the other hand, only have condoms and the surgical, usually permanent option of a vasectomy.…

  • A Washington Woman Could Land in Jail After Refusing Tuberculosis Treatment

    A Washington Woman Could Land in Jail After Refusing Tuberculosis Treatment

    A woman’s active case of tuberculosis has prompted health officials in Washington state to alert the public. The woman has reportedly turned down treatment for over a year and disobeyed multiple court orders to stay isolated from others. The health department may pursue further legal action against the woman should she continue to not comply,…