
  • Scientists Finally Learned More About the Clitoris

    Scientists Finally Learned More About the Clitoris

    Here’s a new piece of trivia to toss out at a party sometime: The human clitoris seems to contain more than 10,000 nerve endings. Researchers this month are apparently the first to try counting the precise number of nerve fibres located in the pleasure-giving organ, using tissue samples taken from human volunteers. The findings surpass…

  • Poor Dental Health Linked to Greater Dementia Risk, Large Review Finds

    Poor Dental Health Linked to Greater Dementia Risk, Large Review Finds

    A healthy mouth may just help keep the brain healthy as well, new research out this week suggests. The study, a broad review of the existing evidence, found that poor dental health was linked to a later higher risk of cognitive decline and dementia. This increased risk was especially apparent for those missing some or…