
  • U.S. Hits 1 Million Organ Transplants Since First in 1954

    U.S. Hits 1 Million Organ Transplants Since First in 1954

    Just about a million organ transplants have now been performed in the United States. The milestone was reached Friday, according to the United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS), the nonprofit facilitator of these life-saving operations in the U.S. It’s been nearly 70 years since the first donated whole organ was successfully transplanted into a human.

  • West Nile Virus Found in Record Number of NYC Mosquitos This Summer

    West Nile Virus Found in Record Number of NYC Mosquitos This Summer

    The West Nile virus is having a great summer in New York City. Health officials this week reported that at least two people have recently contracted the viral illness, while a record number of mosquitoes are estimated to be carrying it currently. Officials are warning people to use repellant and wear protective clothing during peak…