
  • We’ve Been Wrong About Lichen For 150 Years

    We’ve Been Wrong About Lichen For 150 Years

    Hundreds of millions of years ago, a tiny green microbe joined forces with a fungus, and together they conquered the world. It’s a tale of two cross-kingdom organisms, one providing food and the one other shelter, and it’s been our touchstone example of symbiosis for 150 years. The trouble is, that story is nowhere near…

  • The Totally Insane Way That Breast Milk Works

    The Totally Insane Way That Breast Milk Works

    I know breast milk is good and all, but when I became a mum I was kinda shocked at how often it was cited as a cure-all for anything that ailed my newborn. That’s not just because of the nutritional value. It turns out my baby’s immune system is communicating with mine THROUGH MY NIPPLES.…