
  • The F-35 Has Big Radar Problems, The Fix Is Hilarious

    The F-35 Has Big Radar Problems, The Fix Is Hilarious

    Now, more than $US1 trillion into its development, the F-35 aircraft is experiencing glitches with its radar systems. US Air Force major general Jeffrey Harrigian explained the problem in an IHS Jane report: “What would happen is they’d get a signal that says either a radar degrade or a radar fail — something that would…

  • How Lasers Will Change The Way We Fight Wars

    When war changes, it usually changes slowly. We’re used to military technology advancing in predictable, plodding steps – incremental advances on what went before, with one side spending years developing its new plane, or tank, or missile, the other side simultaneously developing ways to undermine it. The first nation builds a thing, the second builds…