
  • Monkeys Grieve When Their Robot Friend Dies

    Monkeys Grieve When Their Robot Friend Dies

    Video: BBC One’s Spy in the Wild series embeds animatronic spy animals out in nature with their real life animal counterparts to see what life is really like in the wild. The robot creatures can look a little bit creepy with their eyeball cameras, but the animals often embrace them as one of their own.…

  • Monkey Brains Reveal How We Know Which Way Is Up

    Monkey Brains Reveal How We Know Which Way Is Up

    These are some of the 500 images recently shown to rhesus monkeys while their brains were being monitored. None are meant to correspond to any real-world physical object, but the experimental results revealed certain cells in the object area of the brain that let us recognise up and down, and to grasp that those directions…