
  • Report: Christian Bale Will Play Steve Jobs

    Report: Christian Bale Will Play Steve Jobs

    Yes, we’ve known for a while that Christian Bale might be the next actor to portray Steve Jobs, but Variety now seems mighty sure. The publication is reporting that our favourite Batman will indeed play our favourite technology pitchman in Sony’s new movie.

  • Watch: Batman Versus The Terminator In This Brilliant Animated Short

    New Zealand-based animator Mitchell Hammond has imagined a bleak future. In Hammond’s new animated short film, Skynet successfully launched its nuclear arsenal in 1997 — the Judgement Day in the Terminator franchise film of the same name — and has ruled the ruined planet ever since. In this instance, however, there’s another factor that Skynet…

  • Watch: The Julian Assange Movie Looks Incredible

    Julian Assange and his leaky-activities have occupied the headlines for over a year now, so it was only a matter of time before the man’s life was spun into a movie. Normally these biopics are awful, especially if they’re direct to television, but this one is different. It’s called Underground: The Julian Assange Story and…