
  • Watching A Butterfly Hatch Looks Beautifully Alien

    Watching A Butterfly Hatch Looks Beautifully Alien

    Video: One of the wildest things that happens in nature is caterpillars go to sleep one day and then transform into a damn butterfly after a month. I thought that as a kid, and I still think it now. Like, that’s the closest thing we have to actual sorcery on Earth.

  • What Hiking From Mexico To Canada Does To Your Shoes

    What Hiking From Mexico To Canada Does To Your Shoes

    Hiking from Mexico through the United States and all the way up to Canada on the Pacific Coast Trail is just a little bit beyond a stroll in the park. It took Andrew Holzscuh, the hiker in the video, 166 days to take on over 4,184km. He got it done with only four pairs of…