
  • Watch This Star Tragically Die In A Fart Nebula

    Watch This Star Tragically Die In A Fart Nebula

    Perishing alone in space — in a gaseous cloud of stench — ranks pretty highly on the list of Terrible Ways to Die. Sadly, that was the fate of one unfortunate star trapped in the Calabash Nebula, nicknamed the “Rotten Egg Nebula” due to its high sulphur content. If you’ve ever smelled sulphur — or…

  • Totally Spectacular Flyover Through The Veil Nebula

    Totally Spectacular Flyover Through The Veil Nebula

    The Hubble Space Telescope took a new image of the Veil Nebula, a supernova remnant from a star that exploded 8,000 years ago, and made this truly spectacular flyover visualisation of the beautiful ripple in space that you can see below. In the 3D visualisation, red is sulphur, green is hydrogen and blue is oxygen.