
  • A Better Suitcase With A Roll-Up Lid That’s Never In The Way

    A Better Suitcase With A Roll-Up Lid That’s Never In The Way

    It means you’ll be sacrificing a bit of storage space, but Fabbrica Pelletterie Milano’s new Nendo-designed Kame suitcase has a clever segmented lid that rolls up when opened so it’s not constantly falling down on you while you’re trying to find a specific shirt. It also means you can open the suitcase in tight spaces,…

  • Impossibly Adorable Glassware Inspired By Winnie The Pooh’s Antics

    Impossibly Adorable Glassware Inspired By Winnie The Pooh’s Antics

    Science hasn’t gotten around to officially proving it just yet, but everyone knows it’s all but impossible to hate Winnie the Pooh. Even though the yellow bear’s admitted to stealing honey, harassing rabbits, promoting obesity and other antics — that the designers at Nendo have captured in this adorable glassware collection featuring sculpted silicone lids…

  • Elastic Cubes Take Rubber Bands Into The Third Dimension

    Elastic Cubes Take Rubber Bands Into The Third Dimension

    For some reason, mankind has been happy to settle for elastic rubber bands that only exist in two dimensions. So far they’ve served us mostly OK, but the talented designers at Nendo have realised that taking rubber bands into the third dimension vastly improves their usefulness. From securing rolled up documents, to binding together a…