net neutrality

  • A Look Back At The Long Road To Net Neutrality

    A Look Back At The Long Road To Net Neutrality

    The Federal Communications Commission is scheduled to vote on a proposal today that effectively bars Internet companies from prioritising some internet traffic over others. As John Oliver famously explained, “ending net neutrality would allow big companies to buy their way into the fast lane, leaving everyone else in the slow lane.”

  • Don’t Celebrate Yet, But The Net Neutrality Vote Looks Good

    Don’t Celebrate Yet, But The Net Neutrality Vote Looks Good

    Things are looking good for net neutrality. On Thursday, the Federal Communications Commission will vote on whether to treat the internet more like a public utility. This vote comes after a lengthy political battle over the best course of action, but it looks like that fight is winding down. The New York Times reports that…

  • Did The Internet Win Yet? No. But Here’s What We Got.

    Did The Internet Win Yet? No. But Here’s What We Got.

    It’s a good day for the internet: Wired just published an op-ed by FCC chairman Tom Wheeler detailing his new proposal for strict net neutrality rules, rules that largely resemble the terrific plan President Obama outlined a few months ago. Great! But let’s be real: An opinion piece is not a new policy.

  • BlackBerry Tries To Guilt Everyone Into Making Apps For Its Platform

    BlackBerry Tries To Guilt Everyone Into Making Apps For Its Platform

    BlackBerry has jumped into the debate on net neutrality the way that BlackBerry does just about everything these days: ass-backwards. Last night, BlackBerry CEO John Chen wrote a blog post that contorted the standard definition of net neutrality into a complicated pretzel of crazy, insisting that Apple and Netflix are violating the principle of net…