new horizons

  • Enjoy An Endless Day On Charon

    Enjoy An Endless Day On Charon

    As the New Horizons spacecraft approached Pluto this summer, it sent back photos from all angles, allowing us to reconstruct an entire day on the dwarf planet. Not one to play favorites, NASA has now gone and done the same for Charon, Pluto’s crater-ridden moon.

  • Fly Low Over Pluto In This Incredible Aerial Tour

    Fly Low Over Pluto In This Incredible Aerial Tour

    NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft took hundreds of images of Pluto this winter and we’ve been getting them all back in one of the most glorious data dumps astro nerds have ever borne witness to. But for some of us, still images simply aren’t enough. We want to fly over Pluto, too, damnit!

  • Pluto’s Tiny Moons Are Coming Into Colourful Focus

    Pluto’s Tiny Moons Are Coming Into Colourful Focus

    Last week, Nix and Hydra transformed before our eyes from specks of light to bonafide moons. Today, NASA released a new set of images, bringing Pluto’s oblong satellites into even better focus. The latest astonishing finds? Nix has a rosy glow and Hydra has craters.