online dating

  • How Guys Talk To Cute Girls On OKCupid

    How Guys Talk To Cute Girls On OKCupid

    Online dating, like real-life dating, can get a little skeevy, because people are lame and pervy. So to see the type of lame and pervy responses that a cute girl would get while on a dating service like OKCupid, a guy created a fake profile with a picture of a cute girl and BATSHIT INSANE…

  • OKCupid Wants To Hook You Up With Your Roommates

    OKCupid Wants To Hook You Up With Your Roommates

    One time I went on an OKCupid date with a guy who ordered hot wings, licked his fingers and wiped a fountain of sweat off his forehead with a paper napkin. Needless to say, I never went out with him again. If you’re at an equally low point with your living situation, the people over…

  • The Lies Everyone Tells On Dating Sites

    The Lies Everyone Tells On Dating Sites

    Finding love online isn’t easy. The prospect of meeting Mr. or Ms. Right seems to turn everyone into porn star used car salesmen. Luckily for you, dear dater, Vice’s Brian Moylan knows exactly what everyone’s lying about in this tongue-in-cheek guide.