
  • Facebook Scams Are At A Record High

    The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission’s annual Targeting Scams report has revealed a 47 per cent increase in scam reports in the last year – a record high. The ACCC’s Scamwatch and the Australian Cybercrime Online Reporting Network received a combined 200,000 reports about scams costing people $299.8 million – with a “sharp increase” in…

  • Merriam-Webster Uses Apple Fans To Define ‘Sheeple’ 

    Merriam-Webster Uses Apple Fans To Define ‘Sheeple’ 

    Merriam-Webster’s dictionary has been flirting with the thin line between cheekily relevant and irritatingly attention seeking lately. The evolving compendium of the English language has garnered headlines recently with its social media swipes at the Trump administration. And now, the dictionary is trolling Apple fans by using them as an example of the term “sheeple”.