
  • No, A Website Can’t Tell You When You’ll Die

    There are two things certain in life – death, and the insatiable curiosity of those with all the world’s information at their fingertips. But does punching your vitals into an online “Death Clock” really give you an indication of when your time will be up? No. No, it doesn’t. Don’t be a numpty.

  • Firefox 57 Could Break Add-Ons So Much, Some Devs Won’t Bother Fixing Them

    When browser vendors make breaking changes to developer APIs, it’s left to add-on and extension creators whether they fix their offerings. Usually, if it’s a small change, no problem. But what about massive overhauls? For Luís Miguel, responsible for a number of popular Firefox add-ons, Mozilla’s switch to the WebExtensions API this year will signal…