
  • The US Doesn’t Like It When China Wants To Build Encryption Backdoors

    The US Doesn’t Like It When China Wants To Build Encryption Backdoors

    The NSA and US tech giants have come to blows over government backdoors in encryption products lately, with the government arguing that backdoors are vital to national security, and the likes of Yahoo claiming it will make encryption pointless. Well, it looks the party line on backdoors changes pretty sharpish when China is involved.

  • What’s Your Dumbest Internet Purchasing Fail?

    What’s Your Dumbest Internet Purchasing Fail?

    Online shopping is great and all, but an unfortunate side-effect of buying stuff sight unseen on the ‘net is that sometimes you end up with stuff you didn’t really mean to buy. I’m not saying that’s the reason I have three power strips for European plugs under my bed, but… yeah. I should probably read…

  • WNYC Explains Why It Deleted A Controversial Podcast On Women In Tech

    WNYC Explains Why It Deleted A Controversial Podcast On Women In Tech

    Earlier this month, we asked a question: Why did WNYC delete an episode of its internet-focused podcast TLDR that criticised Vivek Wadhwa, a professor frequently quoted as an expert on the issue of women in technology? The updated episode is now available online, complete with a painfully tense interview between host Meredith Haggerty and Wadhwa.

  • NYPD Uses Social Media To Bust Terrorists, Loud Parties

    NYPD Uses Social Media To Bust Terrorists, Loud Parties

    That the NYPD has a crack Social Media Squad stalking your every move is old news, but a recent Freedom of Information request sheds new light on exactly how the cops use their Facebooking powers. The answer? They’re on the lookout for terrorists, cop killers and um, loud parties.