
  • Evil Glitterbomb Genius Is Looking To Cash Out

    Evil Glitterbomb Genius Is Looking To Cash Out

    Earlier this week, we brought you news of deliciously evil prank site, which, for a modest fee, will ship your enemies glitter. Unfortunately, it seems the world has too many enemies and not enough glitter: the man behind the site is overwhelmed and selling out.

  • This Website Could Be The Ultimate All-In-One Torrent Machine

    This Website Could Be The Ultimate All-In-One Torrent Machine

    As I recently discovered whilst trying to teach my roommate about torrenting — educationally, of course — downloading illegal stuff off the internet still isn’t the easiest thing in the world. Bitport is a website that’s trying to change all that: it will find, download, and stream your torrents to you, all with a stupid…