
  • Opinion: Why Microsoft Is The Most Exciting Company In Tech Right Now

    Opinion: Why Microsoft Is The Most Exciting Company In Tech Right Now

    I never thought I’d ever hear myself utter such words post-1995. But after Monday’s reveal of the Surface tablet — complete with an ultra-thin, pressure-sensitive keyboard cover and the most discrete integrated kickstand ever — and yesterday’s Windows Phone 8 announcement, I’m a believer that Microsoft is the most innovative consumer tech company right now.

  • Does SXSW Still Matter?

    Does SXSW Still Matter?

    There’s a famous photo from SXSW taken 10 years ago, with just about every significant blogger at the time all gathered around one table. Many of them went on to form incredibly influential companies, like Flickr, Twitter and Gawker. Today, a lot of those same people are skipping the conference. And if you believe the…

  • iPhone 4S: I Am Disappoint

    Straight up: I’m a little disappointed with the new iPhone 4S. I was hoping for more. My expectations were higher. I wanted something extra special, largely because I’ve been waiting for it for so very long.