
  • The Untouched Natural Beauty Of New Zealand Is Like A Magical World

    I’m one of those horrible humans who take nature for granted and recharge myself through indoor fluorescent lighting. I like walking city streets, I like going into city bars and I like eating city food. Feeling tyres screech, hearing sirens wail, coming across unexplainable damp spots, that’s all what I’m used to. But then I…

  • A Cheap Jet Ski Alternative That Runs On Sunlight

    A Cheap Jet Ski Alternative That Runs On Sunlight

    As fun as they may be, personal watercraft like jet skis and powerboats drink fuel like there’s no tomorrow. They’re fun toys for those with plenty of disposal income, but British designer Ross Kemp wants to make them more universal with his ASAP. It’s a cheap electric alternative to jet skis and powered surfboards that…