past perfect

  • What The Same Train Ride Looked Like In 1953, 1983 And 2013

    What The Same Train Ride Looked Like In 1953, 1983 And 2013

    We’re all alive right now to know what 2013 is like. Some of us can tell stories about life 30 years ago. But most of us have no clue what life was like 60 years ago. This fantastic video by the BBC compares that whole timespan. It shows the same exact train ride filmed in…

  • 16 Classic Films That Got Future Tech Right

    16 Classic Films That Got Future Tech Right

    You can yell, “Beam me up, Scotty!” all you want, the only thing that will happen is you’ll elicit a bunch of bemused stares from passersby wondering if you’ve bonked your head recently. The sad fact is human teleportation devices don’t yet exist in 2013, and even if they did, the tremendous lag would make…

  • 7UP Once Contained Prescription Mood Stabilisers

    7UP Once Contained Prescription Mood Stabilisers

    Today I found out that the soft drink 7UP used to include a psychiatric medication as one of its ingredients. The lemon-lime flavoured soft drink was created by Charles Grigg of the Howdy Corporation in 1929 and first launched two weeks before the stock market crash that spurred the Great Depression!

  • How Underwater Drones Are Searching For The Lost Pilots Of WWII

    How Underwater Drones Are Searching For The Lost Pilots Of WWII

    Deep below the Pacific Ocean, dozens of WWII pilots are laying in watery graves, still inside the aircraft took them across the sky decades ago. It’s far to late for a rescue, but as Popular Science explains, the people behind the BentProp Project — and their undersea drones — are surfacing these soldiers’ incredible history.