past perfect

  • Disney’s Epic Plan To Save A Terminal From LA’s Oldest Airport

    Disney’s Epic Plan To Save A Terminal From LA’s Oldest Airport

    After more than a decade of research and negotiation with local authorities, Disney recently got the greenlight for its plans to renovate the Grand Central Air Terminal. Located just north of Los Angeles in Glendale, California, the rundown terminal is a relic of the region’s oldest commercial airport, and the departure point for the country’s…

  • A Working Apple I Just Sold For $671,400 At Auction

    A Working Apple I Just Sold For $671,400 At Auction

    The Apple 1 is a little piece of history, the first in a lineage that’s taken the world by storm since its birth in 1976. And that piece of history is worth a lot. An anonymous collector just picked up a still functioning(!) one of the suckers at auction for a cool $US671,400. And you…

  • Want To Buy A 1950s Humanoid Robot?

    Sometimes it’s important to just take a moment and reflect on life. It can be a real relief to let go of technology for a moment and think about something else. History maybe. And there’s no better way to slow down than by taking a walk with an eight-foot-tall, 1,000-pound robot that moves 10-feet per…

  • How NASA Imagined Humans On Mars, Back In 1990

    How NASA Imagined Humans On Mars, Back In 1990

    NASA’s had Mars on the brain for many, many years, way before it was drawing massive male members in the martian sand. Ever since it sent astronauts to the moon, NASA’s had its sights aimed at the Red Planet. These amazing retro images dug up from the archives show just how NASA thought Mars would…