
  • New Patent Could Saddle 3D Printers With DRM

    New Patent Could Saddle 3D Printers With DRM

    One of the greatest benefits of 3D printing technology — the ability to make replacements or parts for household objects like toys, utensils and gadgets – may be denied to US citizens thanks to the granting of a sweeping patent that prevents the printing of unauthorised 3D designs. It has all the makings of the…

  • Rogue DMCA Notice Stakes A Bizarre Claim On The Number 45

    Rogue DMCA Notice Stakes A Bizarre Claim On The Number 45

    Bogus DMCA notices are unfortunately nothing new, but one recently issued to Google from Microsoft seems to go a bit further — and get a bit more absurd — than your average takedown request. This one hit sites like Wikipedia, the BBC, TechCrunch, and AMC theatres, seemingly over the use of the number 45.