playstation 4

  • Here’s What The PS4 Looks Like In Person

    Here’s What The PS4 Looks Like In Person

    Is it possible to be striking and understated at the same time? The PS4 might be just that. Though the early jokes had pointed it as just being an italicised Xbox One, the sharp angles of the rhombus add a lot more character in real life than they do in pictures.

  • 6 Big PS4 Questions (And The Answers We’re Hoping For)

    6 Big PS4 Questions (And The Answers We’re Hoping For)

    While the nitty gritty details about Xbox One are all out in the open the PS4 is still largely a mystery despite technically bursting on to the scene months ago. Here are just a handful of the unanswered questions surrounding Sony’s next-generation console — and how we hope and think they’ll be answered.