Here’s How the Plastic Industry Thinks We Can Solve the Waste Crisis
In the time it takes you to read this sentence — say, four seconds — the world produces nearly 60 metric tons of plastic, almost entirely out of fossil fuels. That’s about 53,000 metric tons an hour, 1.3 million metric tons a day, or 460 million metric tons a year. Those numbers are fueling widespread…
Why Isn’t Landfill Mining More Popular?
Our garbage heaps are rich in metals and other materials, but landfill mining is rare.
What Should You Do With All Your Old, Unused Cables?
What do you do with all of those unused cables in a tub or in a cabinet? Do you recycle them or do they have another use?
Vapes and E-cigs Are Creating a New Waste Pandemic
Vaping, or using electronic cigarettes, not only pollutes the surrounding air, it also creates a new contaminated e-waste stream. Australian waste management authorities are just beginning to tackle this problem, as schools’ stockpiles of confiscated vapes continue to grow. As researchers of issues to do with the so-called circular economy, we take a keen interest…