
  • Eureka! A Whisper-Quiet Wind Turbine Based On Archimedes’ Screw

    Eureka! A Whisper-Quiet Wind Turbine Based On Archimedes’ Screw

    When they’re standing out in a field, miles away from crowded urban centres, the sounds made by a wind turbine’s blades aren’t a big issue. But when they’re perched atop a downtown building, they create noise pollution that’s hard to ignore. A Rotterdam-based company might have found a solution with a unique turbine design partially…

  • Every Gestural Interface Should Be This Responsive And Snappy

    Every Gestural Interface Should Be This Responsive And Snappy

    Working alongside a company called zSpace, makers of interactive holographic displays, researchers at the Ishikawa Watanabe Laboratory in Japan have built a high-speed gesture recognition system that instantly responds to hand and finger movements. Which in turn enhances the immersiveness of these interactive displays.