
  • We Can Now Pave Roads With Used Cooking Oil

    We Can Now Pave Roads With Used Cooking Oil

    You might not realise it, but quitting our addiction to oil means more than just finding something besides petrol to put in our cars. If we really want to stop using fossil fuels, we have to change the way we make roads — and cooking oil might just be the answer.

  • This Insane Highway Demolition Is The Longest Ever In China

    This Insane Highway Demolition Is The Longest Ever In China

    Given the fevered pace of China’s infrastructure development, 16 years is ancient. That’s why the two-lane concrete Zhuan-yang viaduct running through central China, had to go — a bigger and better six-lane freeway was in the works. But to demolish the original roadway without harming the surrounding homes, engineers smothered the blast under a blanket.

  • All Roads Should Glow In The Dark

    All Roads Should Glow In The Dark

    The Dutch design firms Studio Roosegaarde and Hejimans Infrastructure just came up with a brilliant prototype for a “Smart Highway” that uses interactive lighting that adapts to driving conditions to make the roads safer. Enough with crap infotainment systems inside cars that distract us from driving with Twitter and dinner reservations — let’s light up…