
  • Super Gonorrhea Has Reached the U.S.

    Super Gonorrhea Has Reached the U.S.

    Super gonorrhea has infected people in the United States for the first known time. This week, Massachusetts public health officials announced the discovery of two gonorrhea cases appearing to display increased resistance to all known antibiotic classes that can be used against it. These cases were thankfully still curable, but it’s the latest reminder that…

  • Can a Virus Age You?

    Can a Virus Age You?

    The following is an excerpt from Jellyfish Age Backwards: Nature’s Secrets to Longevity by Nicklas Brendborg. Available for sale January 17, 2023 at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Bookshop.org.

  • U.S. FDA Approves New Alzheimer’s Drug, but There Are Lingering Questions

    U.S. FDA Approves New Alzheimer’s Drug, but There Are Lingering Questions

    The Food and Drug Administration on Friday granted the conditional approval of a new treatment for people with early Alzheimer’s disease: the antibody-based drug lecanemab, jointly developed by the pharmaceutical companies Biogen and Eisai. In a large trial, lecanemab appeared to slow down patients’ cognitive decline relative to those on placebo. But some experts and…