
  • Rumour: YouTube To Launch Pay-For Channel Subscriptions

    Rumour: YouTube To Launch Pay-For Channel Subscriptions

    The Financial Times is reporting that YouTube will launch a paid subscription model for specific, specialist video channels — as soon as this week. The report, which cites an anonymous source, suggests that the site has been developing the system for months, in order to help channels fund more content.

  • Is Nokia Investing In Lytro-Style Camera Tech For Phones?

    Is Nokia Investing In Lytro-Style Camera Tech For Phones?

    Bloomberg is reporting that Nokia is planning to invest in a Californian startup that creates Lytro-style camera technology slim enough to squeeze into a mobile phone. The company in question is Pelican Imaging, which produces a complex sensor array and combines it with algorithmic processing to allow users to adjust an image’s focus after it…