Looks Like Russian Hackers Stole 100,000 Americans’ Tax Returns Online
The Internal Revenue Service suspect that Russian hackers are the culprits who stole the tax records of at least 100,000 people this year, and — yep, you read that right. Russian hackers! If you’re getting déjà vu, that’s because this marks the third time in very recent history that US government websites have been preyed…
This Video Is So Insane That I Had To Stop Watching
Video: Just when I thought nobody could get crazier than these Ukrainians, here come two Russians doing high risk stunts perched on some sort of electrical or radio tower without any safety measures whatsoever. Not only they put their lives on the line, but they insist on increasing the chances of a major failure.
Watch These Insane Russians Jump Off 300m Rock Walls
Here’s another heartbeat-accelerating video courtesy of your usual bunch of suicidal Russians: Ropejumping off the rock walls of North Nassrani, in Jordan. The crazy thing about ropejumping is that you really risk your physical integrity by doing it.