san francisco

  • An Inside Tour Of San Francisco’s Sewage Treatment Plant

    An Inside Tour Of San Francisco’s Sewage Treatment Plant

    If you have ever been to San Francisco, then some part of you — or some former part of you — has almost certainly passed through the city’s Southeast Wastewater Treatment Plant. But, considering how utterly vital it is to the city, the wastewater plant is also very much invisible, tucked away in a neighbourhood…

  • Get A Load Of This Waterfall That Was Almost Built In The US

    Get A Load Of This Waterfall That Was Almost Built In The US

    San Francisco’s skyline has a handful of famous landmarks dotted around the city — the Transamerica Tower, the Painted Ladies, the Golden Gate Bridge — but the most visible might be Sutro Tower, standing 298m tall on Twin Peaks since 1973. As icons go, it’s definitely got the minimal, industrial-chic vibe going on — essentially…