san francisco

  • Why A Trompe L’Oeil Tech Bus Is Upsetting San Franciscans

    Why A Trompe L’Oeil Tech Bus Is Upsetting San Franciscans

    Any mention of tech buses in San Francisco should come with a trigger warning, because pretty much every discussion surrounding the massive, much-maligned vehicles comes fully equipped with deep contention. Now, the winners of an unofficial competition to rebrand the behemoths — which are often partially bright white and completely unmarked — has sparked a…

  • Could Fog Catchers Help Solve America’s Drought Problem?

    Could Fog Catchers Help Solve America’s Drought Problem?

    California’s running out of water. This year’s record-breaking drought — coming after two already dry years — has the state scrambling for the liquid stuff. Plans to seed clouds for extra snowfall are already in place. But do we really require storm clouds for water? Why not use fog?