
  • Twitter Will Tell You If You’ve Been Shadowbanned, Elon Says

    Twitter Will Tell You If You’ve Been Shadowbanned, Elon Says

    Twitter CEO Elon Musk announced Friday that a new software update was in the works to inform users if their accounts has been “shadowbanned.”  The new feature would explain why a user had been shadowbanned, meaning a profile is difficult to find or your posts are invisible to other Twitter users, even followers, and would…

  • What Exactly Is ‘Shadowbanning’?

    What Exactly Is ‘Shadowbanning’?

    Tech platforms use recommender algorithms to control society’s key resource: attention. With these algorithms they can quietly demote or hide certain content instead of just blocking or deleting it. This opaque practice is called “shadowbanning”. While platforms will often deny they engage in shadowbanning, there’s plenty of evidence it’s well and truly present. And it’s…