How Can You Overcome Climate Dread?
Welcome to Burning Questions, a series where Earther answers the most common asks we get on how to address climate change. Many people want to do something, anything to help address the climate crisis. We answer your questions about how to help change your life — and the systems that will save us. Check out…
A Breakdown Of My Scattered, Confused Thoughts While Watching This Game Of Thrones Sodastream Ad
So Sodastream — a company that is all about making water that is not fizzy, actually fizzy — has just unveiled Shame or Glory, a three minute long advertisement featuring Sodastream CEO Daniel Birnbaum alongside Game of Thrones‘ Hannah Waddingham (who played Septa Unella, AKA that lady who shouted “SHAME” a lot) and Thor Bjornsson…
Monica Lewinsky Is The Perfect Anti-Cyberbullying Advocate
There are few people better-equipped to advocate for people humiliated online than Monica Lewinsky, former White House intern and current queen of my heart. Best-known as the poster girl for public humiliation, Lewinsky has transformed herself into the poster girl for surviving it and examining it.
What’s The Internet Thing About You That You’re Hoping No One Sees?
I know what you’re thinking. This chatroom is dumb. Why would anyone reveal the thing they’re trying to hide? First of all, you’re so afraid of it precisely because you know you can’t hide it. Second of all, if you just reveal it here it’ll be out there on your terms and you can stop…