
  • 13 Rumours From 2016 We Wish Had Been True

    13 Rumours From 2016 We Wish Had Been True

    Thanks to the wonder that is the internet, every truth comes with two lies. There were a ton of rumours that circulated this year about our favourite movies, shows and comic book franchises. Of course, a ton of them turned out to be total garbage — and sometimes, that was a real disappointment. Here are…

  • Mr. Robot Just Answered Its Biggest Cliffhanger In A Promo

    Mr. Robot Just Answered Its Biggest Cliffhanger In A Promo

    Up until now the promos for season 2 of Mr. Robot have been incredibly oblique with few hints of what’s to come. While the video just screened on Facebook Live earlier today doesn’t hint at what’s coming either, it does answer a major question left dangling since season one.

  • 10 Movies That Secretly Hid Spoilers Inside The Movie Themselves

    10 Movies That Secretly Hid Spoilers Inside The Movie Themselves

    Video: It’s always a nice wink at an unknowing audience when a movie reveals a huge spoiler during the movie itself. It’s harmless fun that most people don’t even catch because they don’t know enough about what’s happening in the movie yet. But on future watches it gives a little extra chuckle layer for people…