
  • How Braces Can Amazingly Straighten Crooked Teeth

    How Braces Can Amazingly Straighten Crooked Teeth

    Video: Getting braces for crooked teeth is one of our society’s accepted forms of self-torture for the sake of vanity. It’s completely painful and usually done in a terribly awkward stage in life, but it’s worth it in the end, not just for the sight of straight teeth, but for the pure functionality of improving…

  • There Are Cells Inside Teeth That Can Turn Back Into Stem Cells

    There Are Cells Inside Teeth That Can Turn Back Into Stem Cells

    Inside each of our hard, calcified teeth is a small population of living stem cells that can differentiate into many types of tissue. The origin of those stem cells has long been unknown, but scientists may now have a completely surprising answer: Cells of the nervous system can migrate into the middle of a tooth…