
  • Animated Map Shows The Spread Of ISIS In The Past Few Years

    Animated Map Shows The Spread Of ISIS In The Past Few Years

    Video: The Islamic State, or ISIS or ISIL, has quickly risen to power in the regions of Iraq and Syria in the past few years. This map by Peter Ridilla tracks the groups’ spread across the region. The Islamic State is shown in red against the rest of the region, what started off in just…

  • Anonymous Is Really Screwing Up Its War On ISIS

    Anonymous Is Really Screwing Up Its War On ISIS

    This should not come as a surprise, but Anonymous is probable not going rid the world of terror with its myriad “ops.” In fact, the latest reports indicate that the leaderless pack of hacktivists is not only incapable of disrupting ISIS, it seems like Anonymous is totally f**king this one up.