the conversation

  • Explainer: What is Storyboarding for Film?

    Explainer: What is Storyboarding for Film?

    Images are all around us. But what about the images you may never have seen, which influence the storytelling you watch every day? Storyboarding often forms a crucial part of the pre-production process of film, television, animation, game design, advertising, comics, children’s book illustration, even UX Design and other forms of visual communication. Developed at…

  • 3 Technologies Poised to Change Food and the Planet

    3 Technologies Poised to Change Food and the Planet

    Agriculture’s impact on the planet is massive and relentless. Roughly 40 per cent of the Earth’s suitable land surface is used for cropland and grazing. The number of domestic animals far outweighs remaining wild populations. Every day, more primary forest falls against a tide of crops and pasture and each year an area as large…