the conversation

  • How Does Wi-Fi Work? An Electrical Engineer Explains

    How Does Wi-Fi Work? An Electrical Engineer Explains

    Though you can’t see them, radio waves are all around you all the time, carrying information. For most people, some of those radio waves are Wi-Fi signals. Wi-Fi is the catchy name an industry alliance came up with to market devices that transmit large amounts of data over short distances using radio waves. The letters…

  • How Much Do Our Genes Restrict Free Will?

    How Much Do Our Genes Restrict Free Will?

    Many of us believe we are masters of own destiny, but new research is revealing the extent to which our behaviour is influenced by our genes. It’s now possible to decipher our individual genetic code, the sequence of 3.2 billion DNA “letters” unique to each of us, that forms a blueprint for our brains and…