
  • Avatar’s Filmmakers Were Surprised by the Space Whale Fandom

    Avatar’s Filmmakers Were Surprised by the Space Whale Fandom

    With three more Avatar sequels on the way, it goes without saying the major characters will be back. Jake Sully, Neytiri, their kids, the evil Quaritch, etc. But one character introduced in the latest film didn’t have such a clear path. We’re talking of course about Payakan, the exiled Tulkun (the space whale) who befriends…

  • James Cameron Watches Movies Standing Up, Apparently

    James Cameron Watches Movies Standing Up, Apparently

    Good news for James Cameron and giant blue cat-people aficionados alike: The Way of Water, the Avatar sequel, has made more than $US1.7 ($2) billion and counting, paving the way for those three additional sequels the director has had planned. For Cameron, it’s a sign that people have had “enough with the streaming already!” But……