
  • The Inside Story Of How Olympic Timekeeping Is So Amazingly Precise

    The Inside Story Of How Olympic Timekeeping Is So Amazingly Precise

    Three one-thousandths of a second is less than 1/10th of a blink, less than 1/100th of a heartbeat. But if you’re a speedskater, 0.003 seconds can be the difference between gold and silver. So how are Olympics timekeepers able to get such ridiculous precision and accuracy? For the inside scoop, we talked to Omega’s Peter…

  • Flies See The World In Matrix-Style Slow Motion

    Flies See The World In Matrix-Style Slow Motion

    If you’ve ever sat puzzling over a fly’s ability to outmanoeuvre your swift slap of death almost every. single. time — puzzle no more. According to science, you’re just measly Agent Smith to the bug’s Neo; new research shows that a creature’s perception of time is directly related to its size, meaning flies live in…