A Deeply Nerdy Conversation With the Team Behind Star Wars Card Trader
Before you ever heard of NFTs, maybe you heard about the $US225 ($312) jpeg of Han Solo. Back in 2015, I wrote an article about a Han Solo card worth over $US200 ($278) in an app called Star Wars Card Trader by Topps. At the time, I spent most of the article explaining how a…
The Saga of 10,000 Digital Han Solo Cards Comes to a Complex End
It all came down to this. Hundreds of hours of work, spread over seven months, all culminating in a single press of a button. If it worked? Glory. If it didn’t? Agony. And while one would assume a moment of this magnitude would go off without a hitch, history proved that not to be the…
Dear God, Help Me, I’m Trying to Get 10,000 Digital Han Solo Cards
Being quarantined has led many of us to do stupid, useless things. And yet, I dare you to beat the stupid, useless, ridiculously geeky thing I’m currently doing.
Here’s Some Lovely Rogue One Art
Force Friday wasn’t just about toys. It’s about Disney and Lucasfilm finally unveiling Rogue One: A Star Wars Story to the world. Part of that is toys (which are kind of important to the Star Wars DNA), but it’s also games and books — and art, both physical and digital.