
  • Sound Waves Let Researchers Build Stuff With the Force

    Sound Waves Let Researchers Build Stuff With the Force

    What does the future of construction look like? Autonomous machines buzzing around a building site? Giant 3D printers extruding walls and floors? Looking forward even farther, researchers at the Public University of Navarre in Spain have been experimenting with using sound waves to make building materials simply float into position without any physical interaction required.

  • We Can Now See Stunning Real-Time 4D Images Of The Heart

    We Can Now See Stunning Real-Time 4D Images Of The Heart

    X-rays, the technology that allows us to peer inside the human body in real-time, can only be used for limited durations for safety reasons. So GE has developed new software that instead relies on ultrasound, which is safe for even foetuses, to generate real-time 3D views of our internal organs.