user manual

  • Thank God For Mums On Facebook

    Thank God For Mums On Facebook

    We’ve all heard people long for Facebook’s lawless pre-parent days. Back then, it was anything goes — a land filled with photos of keg stands without consequence and all the cussing you could muster. Those people are wrong. Facebook is better with mums.

  • An Easy Trick To Help You Remember Birthdays Offline

    An Easy Trick To Help You Remember Birthdays Offline

    Facebook has basically made remembering birthdays meaningless. With automatic reminders, it’s just as easy to wish a happy birthday to your own mother as it is to wish one to that random girl you think you maybe lived down the hall from you in the freshman dorms. But it doesn’t take much more effort to…

  • Stop Asking Your Friends To Like Your Facebook Page

    Stop Asking Your Friends To Like Your Facebook Page

    That girl you grew up with and haven’t seen in four years does not want to like the Facebook page for the Kickstarter to support your band’s very first regional tour. Neither does anyone who isn’t your mother. So please please please please please please please please1 stop sending out carpet bombed requests that people…