
  • Coinbase Heads to the Supreme Court in First Crypto Case

    Coinbase Heads to the Supreme Court in First Crypto Case

    Cryptocurrencies and crypto exchanges have gotten all sorts of federal attention in recent years. From the Securities and Exchange Commission to the Department of Justice to the U.S. Senate — many government agencies and lawmakers have begun to weigh in on blockchain business. Now, for the first time, the Supreme Court is getting involved.

  • The 9 Dumbest Defences for Trump Keeping Nuclear Secrets at Mar-a-Lago

    The 9 Dumbest Defences for Trump Keeping Nuclear Secrets at Mar-a-Lago

    Former president Donald J. Trump, a continued threat to the safety and security of the United States, had his home in Florida raided by the FBI over classified documents on Monday. And we now know those documents at Mar-a-Lago likely contained highly classified secrets about nuclear weapons, according to the Washington Post. Who’s willing to…