
  • This Man Got 217 Covid-19 Shots, Is Completely Fine

    This Man Got 217 Covid-19 Shots, Is Completely Fine

    A German man seems to be no worse for wear after having allegedly gotten more than 200 covid-19 vaccine doses. In a new study out this week, scientists examined the man’s blood and saliva and found no evidence that the “hypervaccination” he went through harmed his immune response to covid-19 or his general health. If…

  • A Rabid Otter in Florida Went on a Rampage Last Week, Attacking a Man and a Dog

    A Rabid Otter in Florida Went on a Rampage Last Week, Attacking a Man and a Dog

    As if life isn’t hard enough already: rabid otters are apparently a thing. Florida health officials reported this week that a 74-year-old man and a dog were bitten by an aggressive otter, one that later tested positive for the usually fatal viral infection. Both victims have reportedly received treatment and the otter has been euthanised. The…

  • Experimental Vaccine Would Be the First to Fight Off Fungi

    Experimental Vaccine Would Be the First to Fight Off Fungi

    The Last of Us, eat your heart out. Scientists at the University of Georgia say they’ve developed a vaccine that should be able to protect against a variety of dangerous fungi. In animal studies, the vaccine prevented severe infections and deaths from three types of fungi that often cause opportunistic illness in people. The team…