
  • Make Taking Pictures on iPhone Fun Again With These Retro Photo Apps

    Make Taking Pictures on iPhone Fun Again With These Retro Photo Apps

    No matter your composition, the lighting, and your attempts to manually set zoom or exposure, iPhone pictures all still have the same dull quality. They are not dull in the sense they’re not vibrant or detailed, but by default, with the “Standard” photo style, they’re all using the same obtuse post-processing that blooms certain colors…

  • Thermal Photography Shows Even Pizza Emits Radiation

    Thermal Photography Shows Even Pizza Emits Radiation

    These beautiful photographs of fast food were taken by Brea Souders using a radiometric thermal camera. They demonstrate that all matter with a temperature greater than absolute zero emits electromagnetic waves — no microwave oven required. And that Day-Glo Warholish quality is more than appropriate for junk food.