warner bros

  • Uh, Gal Gadot Might Be Returning as Wonder Woman? Maybe? Somehow?

    Uh, Gal Gadot Might Be Returning as Wonder Woman? Maybe? Somehow?

    Around 420 million years or so ago, shifting land masses pushed the pre-historic Iapetus Ocean under the mountains of Appalachia, trapping all of its salty brine underneath. Although it’s only the barest fraction today, in the 19th century, the West Virginia salt industry produced 3.2 million bushels at its height, or tens of thousands of…

  • The Flash’s Visual Effects Are Meant to Look Like That

    The Flash’s Visual Effects Are Meant to Look Like That

    One thing most superhero movies have going for them is you know how they should look. When Batman, Spider-Man, or Iron Man put on their suits, the world around them doesn’t change. With the Flash though, when Barry Allen puts on his suit and taps into his powers, the world around him does change —…