
  • We Already Have the Technology to Decarbonise U.S. Electricity

    We Already Have the Technology to Decarbonise U.S. Electricity

    It’ll take a lot to transition the U.S. off fossil-based energy: money, political will, labour. But a new report shows it won’t take new technological innovation. The study, published in the journal Joule last week, shows U.S. electricity demand can be met with currently available carbon-free tech, like solar panels and wind turbines. And we…

  • It’s Fatally Windy In Europe Right Now

    It’s Fatally Windy In Europe Right Now

    A brutal storm crashed into the Dutch coast on Thursday causing gusts of wind up to 90 miles per hour. This might not have been so destructive in a place with some relief, like mountains and hills, but the Netherlands is famously flat. That led to many bad things happening to buildings and people.